
Devon's blog on Bowen and his adoption: One Stitch At A Time

2014 School Photos!

Grade 4

Grade 3

Grade 2



December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas Gift!
Bowen's Story Airs on Today Show

Bowen's story aired on the Today show on Christmas morning.
He has definitely become an ambassador for special needs adoptions this year!

November 5, 2014
Ellery is 10!

How quickly they grow up! Ellery celebrated this milestone year with a cake and shopping spree at Justice with Gram and Pa, a slumber party at her house with friends, the play Ivy and Bean with her Mom, Gram and Sydney and then a lunch and nails date with her Mom. Still to come-a dinner at the restaurant of her choice with Uncle Colin!

October 29, 2014
The Toomeys Get A 2015 Subaru Outback!

October 27, 2014
Another Toomey Hits The Boise Channel 7 News!

This time its Heath who gets a spot on Boise Channel 7 KTVB with his Idaho cheese!
Devon had asked Heath to eat his cheese and he was grumbling until he saw the piece was shaped like the state of Idaho! He was so excited he gobbled it up. Devon posted the picture and story on Facebook and
Maggie O'Mara who had done Bowen's story saw it and gave it to their newsroom for a cute little fill in story.

link to news video  

October 19, 2014
Bowen Is Six!

Bowen had a whole day of birthday fun this year. He started with a special hot chocolate date with his dad, then a train ride on the pumpkin line in his new #6 shirt, and finishing up with a surprise birthday party with pizza and the special cake Devon made for him with everything he wanted on it including an arrow, numbers, letters, shapes, punctuation and street signs!
What a special birthday for a special boy!

October 12, 2014
The Toomey Boys Run The Harrison Kids Classic 2014
and Bowen Makes The Idaho Statesman!

October 7, 2014 - October 11, 2014
The Smiths Hit Disneyland!

September 23, 2014
Brooks is Six!

He wanted a Godzilla cake this year so Devon obliged. Was he ever happy with the result!
He was also very happy with his party later with family and friends at Urban Ascent Rock Climbing Gym!

August 31, 2014 - September 25, 2014
Dennis and Stephany's California, Utah and Idaho Trip

September 11, 2014
Today Show Spends Day With The Toomeys!

After seeing Bowen's story on Boise KTVB, the Today show flew in a crew to Boise with 24 hour notice to spend a day filming the Toomeys for a segment on the Today show to be aired at a later date. Wow! Devon reports the filming crew was amazing to work with.

September 7, 2014
Bowen's Story Airs on Boise Channel 7 KTVB!

Devon reports: Bowen will be on the news! Recently, we were blessed with a visit by Maggie O'Mara from Channel 7 News. She saw a video of Bowen swimming independently through a mutual friend and contacted us about doing a story on him. What a blessing to have her come and interview/film Bowen doing all the awesome things he does (swimming, eating independently, playing games, writing, driving his wheelchair, jumping on the trampoline, etc). We are so grateful that Maggie reached out to us to spread awareness about special needs adoption and the limitless possibilities of those with limb differences. Bowen's story will be on KTVB Channel 7 News this Sunday, September 7 at 10:00 PM! Tune in and support our little Bobo! (Note: video no longer available)

September 2, 2014
Jeremy's Officially On The Job!

It took fourteen years of hard work to get here but today Jeremy officially starts his job as an Orthopedic Surgeon at St Lukes!

Back to School!

Bowen is in kindergarten at Eagle Hills Elementary in Eagle.
Heath is in third grade and Brooks is in kindergarten at Ambrose Academy in Meridian.
Ellery is in fourth grade and Sydney is in second grade at River Grove Elementary in Lake Oswego.

August 24, 2014
Oregon State Fair!

Ellery and Sydney got into serious face painting this year at the fair!

August 17, 2014 - August 21, 2014
Camping at Tugman State Park

William Tugman State Park on the southern Oregon coast is one of our favorite places to camp. This year Ellery and Sydney chose this as one of their camping trips. We had a great time hiking, climbing the dunes, kayaking and playing on the beach. Of course Pa and the girls had to indulge in some of their favorite activities: watching Scooby Doo and building a campfire and making smores!

August 10, 2014
The Toomey Have A New Home!

The Toomeys move into their new home in Eagle, Idaho.
The home is a large five bedroom two story on 1.8 acres with an amazing kid friendly back yard.
There is also a smaller three bedroom house attached to the main house which will be Jeremy's parents home when they are able to move from Rhode Island. In the meantime it makes a wonderful guest house!
The best part for the Toomeys is that this time moving to a new home is for keeps!

 August 3, 2014 - August 9, 2014
Third Generation Camp Silver Creek Camper

August 2, 2014
Jeremy Is Home To Stay!

After one year away from his family, Jeremy is home from his year long internship in Massachusetts.
And this time he is home to stay!

July 27, 2014 - July 29, 2014

The Kah-Nee-Ta experience is all about the hot springs pool and this year was no exception.

July 15, 2014 - July 23, 2014
Stephany Makes a Visit to the Toomeys

June 15, 2014 - June 19, 2014
Camping at Honeyman and South Beach State Parks with Ellery and Sydney

A good time was had at Honeyman State Park this year with climbing the dunes, swimming at Woahink Lake, hiking the park trails, biking and, of course,making smores. Ellery was also able to help out as a volunteer in the Nature Center again this year. We took side trips to the Darlingtonia Wayside to see the insect eating pitcher plants and to the Pioneer Museum.

Then it was off for an overnight at South Beach State Park and then stops at Fogerty Creek State Park and Van Duzer State Park for a picnic lunch on the way home

June 6, 2014
Heath is Eight!

Heath came to Oregon this year for his birthday with his mom and brothers - and the dogs and the hamster!
He had a great birthday week with
a camping trip to Honeyman State Park, overnights with his cousins Sydney and Ellery, adventures at local parks including an extended family trip to the Enchanted Forest, a visit to Great Uncle George's farm and a big family birthday party with a special Lego birthday cake made by Devon to top it off!

Camping at Honeyman State Park with Heath and Brooks for Heath's Birthday

May 25, 2014
Sydney is Seven!

A special birthday overnight with Gram and Pa and a cape like Anna's from Frozen!
A birthday party with friends at Pump It Up!
A special cupcake at home on the actual day!
An awesome miniature eraser set from the Toomeys!
Definitely a fun way to celebrate turning seven!

May 15, 2014
Alan Libin Adopts Bossy from Mastiff Rescue in Medford!

Alan says she will never replace Max but his house felt too empty without a dog in it.
We felt the same way when we lost Bill and then adopted Zoey and Max.

April 20, 1999 - May 12, 2014
We will miss you Bailey!

Bailey left today to join her brother Gus who died last year in October.
She was a sweet dog and part of Aden and Kim's family for many years. She will be missed.

April 19, 2014 - May 19,2014
Stephany's Great Birthday Adventure

April 4, 2014

Alan Libin's beloved dog, Max, died today from an inoperable heart tumor.

March 21,2014 to March 28, 2014
Spring Break in Boise!

We took Ellery and Sydney to Boise in the RV to visit with their cousins over Spring Break.
Aden drove over to join us for a few days and
a good time was had by all!

March 19, 2014
Sydney is in the Hit Production of Bugz!

The first and second graders at River Grove Elementary put on a production of Bugz.
Sydney (sitting on the far left) put in an awesome performance as a firefly.

March 17, 2014
Jeremy Makes A Surprise Visit Home!

Devon: "Look who surprised us at 10:30 last night! He flew through four airports and drove five hours from
Salt Lake for a surprise visit for the week. Best timing ever with me being so sick!
(note: she had strep throat)Seriously. BEST surprise ever!!"

March 11, 2014
Aden and Kim Get A New Ford Fusion Hybrid!

March 15, 2014
 Nostalgia Time!
Back to to La Margarita for Colin's Birthday just like the old days.

March 2, 2014
Heath Gets A Big Boy Bed!

Heath got a new "big boy" bed today. He was reluctant to give up his beloved little car bed but when
Devon suggested he could use it for a reading nook he was all for the idea!

March 2, 2014
Ellery Gets Her Ears Pierced!

She has wanted her ears pierced for a long time and worked hard to show she could be responsible enough to have them.
Today she finally got them pierced!
Mom Kim reports things went well with only a few tears.

February 15, 2014 - February 22, 2014
Stephany Flies to Boise to Visit the Toomeys!

February 7 and 8, 2014
Skyway Street Gets A Foot of Snow!


February 6, 2014
March 28, 2014
Sad Times for Aunt Gail Smith

Aunt Gail Smith lost two of her long time kitty companions this year.
Melanie (bottom), age 17 died on February 6, 2014 and Gwendolyn (top), age 19 1/2 died on March 28, 2014.

Michele Lee Libin
November 26, 1946 - January 23, 2014

Michele lost her four year battle with esophageal cancer which had metastasized to her abdominal cavity and bowels. She fought so hard for so long against the terrible cancer that took her life. Her suffering was great. Michele loved Jesus and at the end she said she was so weary of fighting and just wanted to go home to heaven to be with him. Rest in peace, Michele.

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