
Devon's blog on Bowen and his adoption: One Stitch At A Time

2018 School Photos

Grade 8

Grade 7

Grade 6

Grade 4

Grade 4

December 25, 2018


Welcome Siber!

Ellery and Sydney have a new dog!
His name is Siber and he is an eleven year old Siberian Husky/Lab mix.
Eric and Kim rescued him from a bad living situation where he was being kept in a garage.

December 17, 2018
Heath and Brooks In Christmas Play

Heath and Brooks were both actors in heir church musical production of "A Candy-Coated Christmas Story"
Heath played a lead role as Rachet and Brooks was a worker named Snickers.

November 22, 2018


November 13, 2018 - November 20, 2018

Ellery and Sydney along with mom Kim and her friend Eric spend a week vacationing in Maui.
They had a great time with lots of fun adventures and, to top it off, Kim and Eric got engaged!

November 9, 2018
Devon Finally Gets Her Jeep!

Devon has been wanting a jeep since she was three. This may not be the red jeep
of her childhood dreams but a 2015 Jeep Wrangler Sahara is a pretty good substitute!

November 5, 2018
Ellery Is Fourteen!

A slumber party with friends on Saturday.
Cake and presents with family on Monday and then a great Italian birthday dinner at Nicoletta.

October 19, 2018
Is Ten!

This year Bowen had a party with friends and family at the Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park.
He wanted his party theme to be numbers so Devon came through with party cupcakes spelling out ten!

October 4, 2018
Aden Birthday Get Together at Hunan Pearl


October 4, 2018
Heath Writes A School Paper On His Uncle Colin!

September 23, 2018
Is Ten!

This year his party theme was Legend of Zelda and Devon came through with one of her awesome cakes.
Brooks said it was his best birthday ever!

September 18, 2018
Brooks Decides to Audition For His First Movie Role And Lands It!

September 8, 2018
Bowen Receives Idaho Hometown Hero Award!

Bowen was one of ten people selected this year for the Idaho Hometown Hero Award. The award is given by the JRM Foundation for Humanity and "recognizes exemplary Idahoans making a difference not only in their personal and professional lives but in the world around them. Bowen's life story is inspirational and his resilience and perseverance highly commendable." The awards ceremony was a black tie event and the Toomeys cleaned up very nicely! Bowen was thrilled accepting the award but probably his favorite part was being flown from the hotel to the event in a helicopter!

September 4, 2018 - September 18, 2018
Reno and Eagle

Dennis and Stephany head to Reno for their usual pursuits and then to Eagle for an early birthday visit for Brooks.

Back To School!

Ellery Grade 8
Lakeridge Middle School

Heath Grade 7
Ambrose Academy

Sydney Grade 6
Lakeridge Middle School

Brooks Grade 4
North Star Charter

Bowen Grade 4
North Star Charter


August 2018
George is featured in Willamette Valley Real Producers Magazine
And Granddaughter Avery is on the cover with him!

July 26, 2018
Meet Murphy Toomey!

July 22, 2018 - July 27, 2018
Camping At Tugman With Ellery and Sydney

Coming back from the
swimming hole

Have to have the traditional pancakes
and bacon breakfast

Favorite trail at
Tugman SP

Visit to the beach and
the dunes

Shore Acres - Sydney hated
all the seaweed on the beach!

Another tradition-
The Pancake


July 14, 2018
Sydney and Ellery are Bridesmaids!

The girls were the bridesmaids at Aunt Christine Hill and Paul Calleja's wedding ceremony in Grants Pass.

June 29, 2018
Good-bye Bob Cat
Ellery and Sydney's cat Bob got hit by a car today. Sad
With their other cat Sunshine choosing to move in with the neighbors
a few months back this leaves the girls without any pets for the moment.

June 23, 2018 - June 30, 2018
Cousin Redwood Camping Adventure

June 23, 2018
Day 1: Eagle to Burns RV Park

And we're off!

The exciting Burns RV Park!

Goodbye Burns Breakfast

June 24, 2018
Day 2: Burns RV Park to LaPine State Park

Lunch in Bend

Lava Lands

LaPine State Park

June 25, 2018
Day 3: LaPine State Park to Collier State Park

High Desert Museum  with an art gallery named for Brooks and lunch in the cafe with a want-a-be-guest looking on longingly


June 26, 2018
Day 4: Collier State Park to Valley of the Rogue State Park

Collier State Park Campground and Logging Museum

Lunch in Medford

Valley of The Rogue

June 27, 2018
Day 5:
Valley of the Rogue State Park to Crescent City/Redwoods KOA

Morning bed heads!

Breakfast wth Grandpa Gil

Made It!

Jedediah State Park and swimming across Smith River

KOA and dinner by Sydney

June 28, 2018
Day 6:
Crescent City/Redwoods KOA


Trees of Mystery with awesome redwoods, Sky Tram and, best of all, a gift shop with souvenirs and fudge!

Lunch Stop


Redwood Ranger Sydney!

Crescent City/Redwoods KOA Campground has lots of old redwood stumps and trees to climb on and peddle carts to ride

June 29, 2018
Day 7:
City/Redwoods KOA to Honeyman State Park

Stop to play at Arizona Beach State Recreational Area

Honeyman State Park camping and the sand dunes

June 30, 2018
Day 8: Honeyman State Park to Salem

Back in Salem where Jeremy, Devon and Bowen and the dogs were waiting
They were so excited to be together they had to sleep in the same room!

Note: Underneath Heath is an enormous pile of sand from not showering
and changing his clothes at Honeyman after playing in the dunes!


June 17, 2018 - June 23, 2018
Toomey Get Together


Colin was unable to to make the get together this year due to work commitments so he unfortunately missed out on being included in the family photos that Devon's photographer friend Bridget took. Other than Colin's absence the get together was a lot of fun. In addition to swimming and Devon's great meals, a tent city was erected, pears were picked and Dennis and Aden were able to catch the Oregon State National Championship baseball game on the RV satellite dish. Then Stephany, Ellery, Heath, Sydney and Brooks were off on their Cousins Redwood Camping Adventure!

June 6, 2018
Heath Is Twelve!

His birthday fell on D Day so he had a D Day party theme including one of Devon's awesome theme cakes!

May 29, 2018
Alan Libin has Open Heart Surgery!

Alan's heart has failed to the point where it is not able to pump enough blood to meet his body's needs. As a result he has been working hard the last few months to get in shape so he could have an LVAD (left ventricular assist device) implanted while he waits for a heart transplant. Today he had an eight hour open heart surgery to implant the LVAD. The surgery was a success but he will be in the hospital for several weeks and have a long recovery period at home after that. We're rooting for you, Alan!

May 25, 2018
Sydney is Eleven!

This year it was an extended family birthday party at Kim's house.
The only request for the cake was that it would have lots of flowers and so it did!
Here Sydney and cousin Lyla admire the cake before Sydney blows out the candles.

Bruiser Toomey
August 20, 2003 - May 20,2018

The Toomeys lost another member of their family today. Bruiser was the family patriarch and his passing has left a deep void. Devon is especially grieving. Bruiser was her heart dog and devoted companion for fourteen years. Her heart is broken. From her Facebook post:

"Tonight my heart is broken. Literally. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We are devastated. We had to say "goodbye for now" to our sweet Bruiser. He was seriously the best dog. So sweet, loyal, well behaved, smart, loving....I could go on and on. He passed away peacefully in our home, in my arms surrounded by all of us. And now he is healthy and happy in Heaven with Newman. Together again...forever"

March 26,2018 - March 30, 2018
The Toomeys Visit Oregon for Spring Break!

Two nights in Salem with a visit to the state capital and a promised belated birthday dinner for Jeremy.
Two nights in Portland
with a visit to Oaks Park, Powells Books and Colin's work place at Jive Software.

March 17, 2018
Welcome Buddy Libin!

Newman Toomey
February 22,2004 -
February 16,2018

The Toomeys are heartbroken after having to say goodbye to Newman.

In Devon's words: Our hearts are broken. Yesterday, we had to say goodbye and see you again in Heaven one day, to our amazing, fun loving, joyful, live in the moment, always by our side, faithful companion of 14 years, Newman. We had him before we had kids and he was like a child to us. We loved him so much and we are grieving deeply. Nothing prepares you for days like this. He fought hard for almost two years through a debilitating chronic illness. He never gave up but his body failed him and it was time to let him go peacefully. And he did. In our home, surrounded by all of us, snuggled in my arms with his loyal companion Bruiser right by his side snuggled up next to him.. he peacefully made his journey to Heaven. And now we are in a deep mourning period and our hearts are heavy with sadness.

January 29, 2018
Kim is the new Chief Operating Officer for the Oregon Nurses Association!

Chief Operating Officer
Kim leads new initiatives and process improvements in information technology, facilities and human resources, including employee recruitment and engagement. Kim joined ONA in 2017 after working in executive leadership roles with international biotech companies UBIVAC and the Diana Group. 

She is a senior certified professional in human resources management and earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix and a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Linfield College.

January 27, 2017
Max has dental surgery to remove his two front bottom teeth which were cracked
Looks like his and Zoey's games of tug-a-war are a thing of the past!

January 17, 2018
Ankle Hardware Removal

Today Stephany had surgery to have the plate and screws removed from her 2016 ankle fracture repair. She has been experiencing pain from the metal plate rubbing between her bone and the inside of her skin. The surgery was a success. Looking at the hardware they removed it is no wonder she was experiencing pain!

Update January 30: Today the stitches were removed and I can walk normally again! Such a wonderful feeling!

January 15, 2018
Alan Libin is in the hospital with some serious issues including severe heart failure

                                                Update: February 2, 2018
Alan went home today with a strict aftercare regiment, many medications and a new CPAP for his sleep apnea. His heart failure is severe enough that he needs to have a LVAD (left ventricular assist device) implanted to help his heart pump properly. However to qualify for that he has to make some life style changes in the next few months so right now he is on nine different medications to keep his heart working until he can hopefully get the LVAD implanted.

January 13, 2018
Curt Heath and Michelle Tracy Get Married!


Happy New Year Unpleasant Surprise

The building where we store our RV at South Salem RV Storage was broken into. The thieves pried up and broke the escape hatch on the front of the roof and dropped in. They then proceeded to ransack all the cupboards and drawers but I had removed everything prior to storage so there wasn't really anything for them to take except a windbreaker and my bike. They started to take Dennis's bike too but for whatever reason abandoned it outside the building. We feel lucky that there wasn't anymore damage but it is still a bummer. Management's response was less than stellar and as compensation we were given a free month's storage rent. That did cover the escape hatch repair by Advanced RV Repair but I am still out a bike. As I said, bummer :(

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