
Devon's blog on Bowen and his adoption: One Stitch At A Time

2019 School Photos

Grade 9

Grade 8

Grade 7

Grade 5

Grade 5

December 25, 2019


December 6, 2019 - December 9, 2019
The Toomeys Surprise Visit to Disneyland!

From Devon: Last weekend, we surprised the boys with a trip to Disneyland to see the Christmas decorations and special Christmas programs. They literally had no idea we were flying out of town and once we were in the air, they still had no idea where we were going. It wasn’t until a block away from the airport that Brooks figured it out because it was dark and they had no idea where the Uber was taking us (best Uber driver ever who played along!). None of us had ever seen Disneyland at Christmas and it was so beautiful. We had so much fun making special memories together!

December 11, 2019 - December 21, 2019
Ellery Has a Relapse of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis but luckily this time it only lasted ten days!
This time she also had an upper respiratory infection just prior to the Mesenteric Lymphadenitis episode.

November 28, 2019


November 5, 2019
Ellery Is Fifteen!

We had a fun family dinner at Ellery's favorite restaurant, Nicoletta's, to celebrate her
birthday but I don't think that is why she is so happy. Do you know why she is so happy?

Driving that's why! She can get her learner's permit now and is so excited about it.

Well it took awhile to get the permit due to various complications at DMV and then her
relapse of
Mesenteric Lymphadenitis but she finally got it at the end of December. Yay!

Here she is the next day driving like a pro at Sprague High School in Salem.

Fall 2019
New Stonework, House Painted and New GE Encore Appliances!


October 19, 2019
Bowen Is Eleven!


From Devon: "Bowen had his party today and he was so happy! This summer he studied Google Earth every day and fell in love with a school we had never been to, Spalding Elementary... who knows why! Something about their school zone lights. Anyway... so he decided that was where he wanted his party and fortunately for us, the school has a city park adjacent to it. So we ventured across town today to make his dreams come true and he loved it. He drove his wheelchair around every inch of that school and studied everything. My mama heart is so happy because he was so happy. And to go with the elementary school theme, he insisted he have another beginning of the year pencil cake. Too cute!"


October 15, 2019
Heath Leaves Ambrose Academy for Home School!

September 23,2019
Brooks Is Eleven!


Brooks had a family dinner and presents on his actual birthday but for various reasons his birthday party with his friends didn't take place till November 18. Devon wrote "Brooks has been so patient and finally got to have his birthday party this last weekend. He had a little get together at our house with his close friends that involved lots of pizza, cake and video games. They had such a good time! I love seeing his heart so happy. Makes my heart happy too. He requested the cake he remembered his dad having oh so many years ago... the Kit Kat , M & M cake. He also requested peanut butter frosting and cocoa krispies instead of actual cake. He loved it and loved the surprise of all the new collector LEGO mini figures on top."


Back To School!

Ellery Grade 9
High School

Heath Grade 8

Sydney Grade 7
Middle School

Brooks Grade 5
North Star

Bowen Grade 5
North Star


August 11, 2019
Bliss Love Vasilchenko

Stephany's niece, Seren Desdier, and Pavel Vasilchenko have a new baby girl!
She joins brother Noble Alexei

July 14, 2019 - July 19, 2019
Camping With Ellery and Sydney at Tugman

Tugman Camp Site

The Mill
Pancake House

Sydney's RV Nest
Look! No Ellery!

Ellery's tent complete with electric hookup for multimedia!


This year the issues with the girls fighting over shared space and not wanting to share the overhead bunk came to a head. The solution they came up with? A trip to Walmart to get a  tent and air mattress for Ellery. She loved her teen-age hangout-especially after we ran a power cord to the tent so she could hook up her multimedia! And needless to say Sydney loved having her personal space in her overhead bunk nest. With that resolved we had our usual good time hiking with the dogs and visiting the dunes and ocean.

July 12, 2019
Hornet Hive Above Garage Window Removed!


July 11, 2019
Dennis Has a successful Cardioversion (Shock Treatment to Heart) to Treat His A Fib
His heart is now back in rhythm! Yay!


June 30, 2019 - July 3, 2019
Stephany, Ellery and Sydney Make a Quick Trip to Nehalem Bay and Stub Stewart State Parks

Nehalem Bay
State Park

Hungry Girl!
Camp 18 Restaurant

Favorite Hwy 26
Rest Area

Stub Stewart and new
walking stick for Pa

June 16, 2019 - June 20, 2019
Aden, Ellery and Sydney Visit The Toomeys!


June 6, 2019
Heath is Thirteen!

From Devon: "Heath had an amazing 13th birthday surrounded by good friends and family. Teen party with his friends yesterday... they all had a blast swimming, eating and playing video games at our local old school arcade, Grinkers. Today, he turned 13 at 6:18 pm surrounded by family and good friends at his favorite restaurant, Izumi Japanese Steakhouse. Feeling grateful and blessed."

May 31, 2019
Kim Marries Eric Sargent!

The wedding party consisted of Ellery and Sydney and Eric's daughters: Nicole, Sarah and Maddy.
and Eric's grandchildren: Nichole's daughter Alayna and son Everett and Sarah's daughter Cassidy.

May 25, 2019 - June 1, 2019
Heath and Brooks Fly Out to Camp at Honeyman, Beverly Beach and Fort Stevens!




Beverly Beach

Fort Clatsop

Fort Stevens Columbia River

Fort Stevens

Wild Horse


This year Heath and Brooks flew solo to Oregon. After a quick visit with the cousins we headed to Honeyman State Park.7ennis had to get back to Salem after Honeyman so Gram and the boys headed for an overnight at Beverly Beach. Unfortunately our campsite was at the back of the campground and a mile from the beach! The walk there wasn't too bad but, after a warm shower at the shower house near the beach to warm up, the walk back was grueling and we were all pretty tired, including the dogs. The next day we headed to Fort Stevens with a stop at Fort Clatsop on the way where the boys found Pa a walking stick in the gift shop plus some stuff for themselves. Fort Stevens was not as much fun as it used to be because they are closing off more and more of the old structures but the boys still had fun exploring. We drove up to the Columbia River where Brooks found a driftwood piece that looked just like a horse! On the way home we stopped at Wild Horse for gas and what Brooks says is our new tradition: milkshakes and food at the McDonalds there!

May 25, 2019
Sydney is Twelve!

A new cruiser bike from Gram and Pa and a party with friends at Bellagio's Pizza after an escape room adventure!

March 24, 2019 - March 29, 2019
Spring Break Family Vacation in Sunriver

March 2019
Sydney Is Student Of The Month!

February 29, 2019 - March 25, 2019
Ellery Ill for Five Weeks with Mesenteric Lymphadenitis

Lymphadenitis is a condition in which the lymph nodes become inflamed. When the condition affects the lymph nodes in the membrane that connects the intestines to the abdominal wall mesentery), it's called mesenteric lymphadenitis. It mainly effects children and teens. The painful condition can mimic the warning signs of appendicitis. An upper respiratory tract infection my occur right before any other symptoms appear which is what happened in Ellery's case.

Ellery suddenly developed stabbing pain in her abdomen on February 29.  The pain was so bad she could not stand up straight and Kim took her to the ER. After many tests and subsequent doctor visits she was diagnosed with mesenteric lymphadenitis. She missed weeks of school and then suddenly on the second day of spring break vacation at Sunriver the pain went away as suddenly as it had appeared and she was fine! It was such a relief to everyone because we had all been so worried for her.

January 23, 2019 - February 6, 2019
Aden Heads to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates

Doha, Qatar


Abu Dhabi, UAE


From Aden: I flew into Doha, Qatar via LA and Istanbul. While in Qatar I stayed with Marc Virgin  and his family in the Pearl district of Doha.
Marc gave me a guided tour of most of the  country during my stay. I also took a side trip to Dubai for a few days and explored the city.



Twenty years ago we began HEATHSMITH NEWS as a way to share what was happening with our family and friends. Not only was that goal achieved but now we have a documented record of what has happened to us in the last twenty years.

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