
Devon's blog on Bowen and his adoption: One Stitch At A Time

2020 School Pictures

Grade 10

Grade 9

Grade 8

Grade 6

Grade 6

December 25, 2020
A Quiet Covid Christmas


No Christmas Day family gathering this year
We did manage a quick outside/inside gift exchange the day before though.

And again this year we got the call!
This time it was Aden's 2020 ornament that was missing when they got home.
Once again Dennis digs through the garbage and saves the day!

December 22, 2020
Colin Starts A New Job at Salem Pet Supply

December 10, 2020
The Toomeys Are Ready For Christmas In Matching PJs!

December 2, 2020
Ellery Gets Her Drivers License!

And off she goes on her first solo drive without an adult!

November 26, 2020
A Covid Thanksgiving

This year it was just Dennis and I enjoying a turkey dinner at the table.
Definitely a change from
the large family gatherings of years past!

2006 - November 24, 2020

Zoey, you were a loyal and faithful dog. We will miss you.

We got Zoey from the Lane County Shelter in 2006 when she was three years old. Zoey loved being with us no matter what we were doing. She loved chasing the ball when Dennis would throw it with the hurler. She loved going on walks and she loved swimming. She loved traveling in the RV and she especially loved it when Ellery and Sydney were camping with us. Zoey's one fault was she had such an extremely strong prey drive that it made it almost impossible to go for quality walks or hikes. If she saw a small "warm fuzzy" she became so obsessed that, as son Aden described it, "her lizard brain took over". Her last six months were hard as the arthritis in her back hips got so bad it severely limited her mobility and her dementia worsened. On November 23 she had a stroke in the night and went into a semi-coma. The next morning we took her to Aumsville Veterinary Clinic where the vet helped her pass and her suffering was over.


November 5, 2020
Ellery Is Sixteen!

A small Covid birthday celebration for a beautiful young woman on a beautiful fall day in Dad Aden's backyard.
This was one of several birthday week celebrations that also included one at her Grandpa Marty's house and one at her Mom Kim's house.

October 19, 2020
Bowen Is Twelve!

And yet another low key Covid-19 birthday!
Bowen has been obsessed with Barb from Stranger Things for some time.
For his birthday he wanted a Stranger Things party with a cake with Barb on the diving board.
Devon delivered!

October 6, 2020 - October 10,2020
Eagle Visit

Due to Covid-19 we had not seen the Toomeys for over a year so we took the RV to Idaho for a short visit while we were still able to weather wise. Devon was a great hostess as always and she even surprised Pa with a belated 80th birthday! It was great seeing everyone and Max loved being able to get on a couch again! Hopefully we won't have to wait another year till we see everyone again.

September 23, 2020
Brooks Is Twelve!

Another low key Covid-19 birthday.
Brooks is a huge Lego fan so Devon made him a Lego cake to celebrate.
And yes there were Lego presents as well!

September 2020
Back to School!

This year their schools all started with remote learning from home due to Covid-19.
Heath, Brooks and Bowen started on September 3 and Ellery and Sydney started on September 8

Ellery Grade 10
High School

Heath Grade 9
North Star

Sydney Grade 8
Middle School

Brooks Grade 6
North Star

Bowen Grade 6
North Star


September 8, 2020
Orange Skies and Choking Smoke from Santiam Canyon Burning

July 2020
The Robertson's Build And Move Into A New Home In Arcadia. Oklahoma


June 27, 2020 - July 2, 2020
Murphy is lost-and found!

June 27 - Lost!

July 2 - Found!

Murphy Toomey got spooked on a trail in Tamarack and bolted. Because he is so timid and scared of people because of his abusive past he ran every time someone came near him. There were many sightings but no one could get close to him. Devon was frantic and she and Jeremy and the boys spent days looking for him. She knew if she could get close and he could see and hear her he would come because he was so bonded to her. Finally on July 2 she was able to get in his line of sight and when she called he came running. A very traumatic experience for everyone concerned. Welcome home Murphy!

June 6, 2020
Heath Is Fourteen!

This year Heath requested a Japanese themed party with traditional Japanese food. Devon surprised him with Japanese decorations as well. Because of Covid-19 the party was low key with extended family and masks! Tanoshi!

May 25, 2020
Sydney Is Thirteen and Officially A Teenager!

A Covid-19 celebration with an online shopping spree with Gram, a pancake breakfast at Dad's, a new queen bed from Mom which Wally immediately took over and then a couple days at the beach with Mom and Eric in a beautiful house in Lincoln City owned by a friend of Eric's.

April 29, 2020
Stephany's Covid-19 Zoom Birthday!

April 18, 2020
Christie Anderson Marries Jason Timm!

March 31, 2020
6.5 Earthquake Hits The Toomeys in Idaho!
Scary but no damage

March 11, 2020
Covid-19 Pandemic Declared
We are now living in a different world where life as we know it is on hold.

Some of the changes Include:
Everyone has been asked to self isolate and stay home.
Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed.
Limited number of people inside stores that are open, therefore, lineups outside the store doors.
We have to stay away from each other more than six feet.
Schools are closed through the end of the school year and are teaching remotely on-line.
There are lines / tapes inside the stores on the floors to keep people 6 feet apart.
Bars and restaurants are open only for takeout, home delivery & pick-up.
Parks, beaches, hiking trails and walk-in places are not accessible to the public.
All sports competitions have been cancelled as well as kid's sports.
All festivals, concerts, tours and entertainment events have been banned.
The churches are closed or online.
Shortage of disposable masks and gloves in hospitals.
There are fewer ventilators than there should be.
People are wearing masks, some places even require that you wear them to enter.
Panic buying sets in and we have no toilet paper, no disinfecting supplies, no paper towel no laundry soap, no hand sanitizer.
Stores are closing early to disinfect everything. (24 hour stores are even closing by 9pm)
Store check outs, pharmacies and fast food drive thru windows have added Plexiglas between the employee and the customer.
Australia, USA, Canada and Europe have closed their borders.
No one is travelling for leisure. Airports empty. Tourism has the worst crisis in history.


March 10, 2020 - March 14, 2010
South Coast Trip

With Covid-19 lockdowns on the horizon Stephany takes a quick trip down to the South Coast.

Bullard's Beach

South Coast Beach

Chetco River

Redwoods Trail

Eel Lake


March 1, 2020
Zoey Traps Herself in Ditch!

  Stephany was walking the dogs through the new Fairview development construction to check it out when Zoey got confused and suddenly veered across the street and onto a board over a ditch. Stephany started walking over to help her when Zoey suddenly misjudges the depth of the ditch and plunged right in! The ditch was deep, the water was cold and Zoey wedged herself into a corner and couldn't move. It was too dangerous for Stephany to try and climb into there so she called the fire department. They came right out and rescued Zoey. Phew! No more off leash walking anywhere around construction sites or ditches!

March 2020

  Sydney and Ellery had to say goodbye to their dog Siber early in March. He was suffering from liver cancer and had to be euthanized. Siber was an eleven year old Siberian Husky/Lab mix that Eric and Kim rescued from a bad living situation in December of 2018 where he was being kept in a garage. He was much loved in his new home and will be missed.

January 29, 2020
Dennis Starts 90 Day Harvoni Hepatitis C Treatment!

April 22,2020
The treatment is a success and Dennis is now Hepatitis C Free!

January 10, 2020 - January 19, 2020
The Toomeys Visit Hawaii!

Jeremy had a conference on Kauai so they went there first. Then onto Oahu and the Aulani Disney Resort.
They had so much fun they bought a timeshare membership at the resort!

January 1, 2020
Celebrating the New Year

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